
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Peralta Trail to Freemont Saddle- Superstition Mountains

UPDATED 08/2012

The Peralta Trail to Freemont Saddle has been one of my favorite hikes near Phoenix. The trail is located near Gold Canyon, Arizona on the south side of the Superstition Mountains. The trail is easily reached via the US60 thru Gold Canyon and turning North on Peralta Drive. The trailhead is about 7 miles from the hwy and is clearly signed.  The hike is out and back, 2.3 miles in one direction, but has several other options, including an 11 mile loop.  This description describes the 2.3 miles to the "saddle". The best part of this hike is the amazing, up close view of Weavers Needle, which is a 1,000 ft high spire rising from the desert floor. This trail is moderate and if you are out of shape will get your heart pumping and legs burning. An elevation gain of 1,360 feet is made in the 2.3 miles.
I hiked this trail several times and never grow tired of it.  Plan on about four hours to do the hike comfortably with time to enjoy the view at the top. This trail affords great views all the way along. Unique rock formations created from Volcanic activity line the canyon. Also, the lower part of the trail is well vegetated and each time I have hiked, May, December and August there has been a little water running at one point in the trail. Near the top of the trail if you keep your eyes out you will see a small arch with a saguaro cactus growing right next to it. This trail is one of the more popular trails in the Superstition Wilderness and you will find out why when you get to the saddle for the incredible view. 

The trail is easy to follow until you reach about 1.7 miles.  Just after climbing up the long hill you will come to a section with smooth rock which leads to the base of a small cliff.  There is a small cave to your right.  The trail goes to the left of the cave.  This is easily missed.  Follow the cliff around to your left and head up towards the small chute.  You will then begin to see cairns again.  The trail, switchbacks up this rock section once you are up above the cave, just keep your eye out for cairns and remember your goal is the saddle to your left. 

Another option and one I would highly recommend:  After you reach the saddle and have the view of Weavers Needle you will see a lone pine out on the neck leading towards Weavers Needle.  A trail leads to this pine tree that gives an incredible view of the needle and the valley below.  The trail if you are facing the needle will be to your right, just before the large rock outcropping.  However, if you can't find the trail just head in the direction of the lone tree.  It would be difficult to miss.
Length: 4.6 Miles
Elevation Gain: 1,360 Feet
Difficulty: Moderate
Kids: I would recommend if they are hiking then be least 7 years old. Otherwise you might hear some complaining as the trail gets steeper about 1.5 miles in.
Hiking Time: 3-4 hours
Fee: None :)
Guides: 60 Hikes within 60 Miles of Phoenix

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